3 Ways to Bridge the Gap Between Desktop and Frontline Employees

The eternal struggle of any company is keeping desktop and non-desk employees aligned, and often leads to poor communication, low morale and a negative impact on employee engagement. This can result in losses for productivity and employee turnover, costs that are often hidden and make it hard to pinpoint issues. Given the fact that ineffective communication between employees can add up to large amounts per worker alone over an given year, it's an issue that is worth solving and can be highly beneficial to your organization.

Here are three ways to help you align communication with backoffice and frontline employees.

Mobile Platform Communication

Using mobile messaging platforms, tools and apps give you a great return on employee engagement with every aspect of your business. Being mobile means that you can reach employees wherever they are, whether they are desk-bound or on the ground in factories, warehouses or store fronts. Using an application can help integrate the flow of information between all employees, reducing the digital divide and promoting inclusive communication.

By ensuring that internal communications reach everyone in the organization employees are empowered to work with a higher level of efficiency, higher quality and greater levels of accountability, all of which contribute to driving improved customer service and a better bottom-line.

Increased Communication with Management

According to a study by Tribe Inc, "58 percent of frontline employees indicated that they’d like direct communication from top management about the company’s vision and values." Additionally they found that direct communication between top management and frontline employees could dramatically improve the customer experience.

Your frontline employees are the ones who are delivering the service, making the products, and interacting with customers. If you are able to include these employees in the loop with everyone else, is demonstrates that top management not only respects and values the role non-desk employees play in the success of the company, but also helps to better prepare them to really deliver on the company's brand promise and in turn provide a better experience for the customer.

Keeping the channels of communication open between management and non-desk employees will help you to review communication flows, gauge feedback from employees and make adjustments as needed. Increasing employee engagement and creating a better atmosphere for communication between workers.

Working Towards a Common Goal

Poor communication practices usually involve sending tasks down the ladder from management, to supervisors and team leads and telling them to make sure that the task gets done, without much further explanation. Employees on the ground have little to idea about the bigger picture they are working towards, or even worse receive a watered down message leading to 'broken telephone' and having key details getting lost. By creating an atmosphere of positive, inclusive and direct communication with all employees it enables them to understand what they need to do in order to make a difference. Bridging the gap between your office and non-desk employees provides a productive way to assist in solving interpersonal conflict and increase the overall levels of communication.

Start Today!

Teamwork and employee engagement between frontline and backoffice workers can be difficult to achieve, but by making it a priority, your employees will begin to see it with the same commitment and diligence they will incorporate in their own tasks.

There's a world of possibilities with the WhatsApp Business API for your internal communications, but we understand if it may feel a little overwhelming to get started. Get in touch with us to find out how Sweesh can help you kick your communications into high gear without needing to develop any complicated tools.

The Sweesh platform offers an all-in-one WhatsApp messaging tool to help you achieve your communication goals!

Email sales@chatinc.com to chat with one of our Product Specialists or set up a demo today!